Dragspelskomponenten låter användare visa och dölja delar av relaterat innehåll på en sida. Den används primärt för att minska informationsmängden som direkt presenteras för användaren.
Installation och användning
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install @midas-ds/accordion
yarn add @midas-ds/accordion
pnpm add @midas-ds/accordion
import { Accordion, AccordionItem, AccordionTrigger, AccordionContent } from '@midas-ds/accordion'
- Dragspelet är komprimerat som standard och expanderas genom att klicka på rubrikytan.
Namn | Typ | Standard | Beskrivning |
type * | "single" | "multiple" | - | |
value | string | string[] | - | The controlled stateful value of the accordion item whose content is expanded. The controlled stateful value of the accordion items whose contents are expanded. |
defaultValue | string | string[] | - | The value of the item whose content is expanded when the accordion is initially rendered. Use `defaultValue` if you do not need to control the state of an accordion. The value of the items whose contents are expanded when the accordion is initially rendered. Use `defaultValue` if you do not need to control the state of an accordion. |
collapsible | boolean | false | Whether an accordion item can be collapsed after it has been opened. |
disabled | boolean | - | Whether or not an accordion is disabled from user interaction. @defaultValue false |
orientation | React__default.AriaAttributes | vertical | The layout in which the Accordion operates. |
dir | Direction | - | The language read direction. |
headingTag | "h2" | "h3" | "p" | "span" | "h1" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "strong" | "em" | p | Pick a heading tag to be rendered as the title in each accordion |
ref | LegacyRef<React.ElementRef<React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>>> | - | Allows getting a ref to the component instance. Once the component unmounts, React will set `ref.current` to `null` (or call the ref with `null` if you passed a callback ref). @see {@link React Docs} |
key | Key | - |
- @midas-ds/theme@^0.5.23
- react@^18.2.0